Because yes, at this stage it is embarassing. Because there is a fine line between a girl who really likes shoes, like she likes other girly stuff such as clothes, bags, make up or jewelry, and the girl who is an obsessive compulsive shoe addicted buyer. I crossed that line not too long ago when I counted 52 pairs...that's in my infamous corridor only, not counting what's in the basement (ie. the summer season. don't want to count that). And not counting flip flops.
See!! It is embarassing!!!
My chéri doesn't seem to notice anymore...all I know is that when we started dating he used to tell me " hmm nice heels girl! new ?" everytime we saw each other - now poor thing he doesnt even bother. Like: been there, done that...
I have to shave off some of my guilt and justify this compulsive behaviour's not just some random choice of addiction, it has very specific and insideously grounded roots. Really.
If you're a girl, you'll acknowledge the fact that the Battle of all Battles of Femaledom is WEIGHT. Now you ask, what's it got to do with your 52 pairs ?'s got to do that one day I realised that, given the weight fluctuation a woman (or maybe just me) goes through in a 12 months period, like +/- 2, 4 or 5 ks, it was much less depressing to buy shoes than jeans or skimpy shirts when you were in that "i'm FAT" month. See what I mean? Why stay at home looking sullen and shoppingdeprived when you can just hit the street in the search of brand new heels ?!!! Because unlike your waist width, a size 7 will ALWAYS be a size 7 no matter if it's summer or Xmas or if you just had a refill of Macadamia&NutBrittle! HA! Amazing non ?!
So see, it's not really my fault. It's just an unfair consequence of the wicked "slowfatburner" gene rooted in the female metabolism. I just don't have a choice....
Who said I was superficial???? You just watch this space, next time I'm gonna be posting something really deep and meaningful!!! I mean it!!
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