I've been back from holidays for a good 2 weeks but I was swamped by work almost immediately and since then...I've been trying to find some time to write. I literally keep on adding things on my to do/to see/to read/to listen to/to watch list with the hope that the "off" day will come soon....I believe in more frequent holidays!
Tonight I took some time to catch up with the blogs I like and I came across this amazing story. Philip Toledano is a well known photographer, but his father is ill. It's not alzheimer, but he has no short-term memory left. He decided to take photos of his father to document his loving relationship with him, his condition and all that's left. The beauty of the photographs, the touching quotes and the constant feeling of care and intimacy without a trace of voyeurism taps into our most profound family yearnings. It moved me a lot and not many words can really express the effect it can have on you. Me, it just makes me want to freeze in time these things I love about my own parents. Document, illustrate, date & archive these everyday things that will be gone one day. Put it in a box like a family treasure.

Days with my Father
Philip Toledano
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